Refashion Nine
For the last little bit since I started my sewing Instagram page, I’ve picked 9 patterns to try and sew throughout the new year. The only problem was……. I could never commit to the patterns. My likes and dislikes would change before I could get through my list of 9 patterns. Sometimes I would sew a pattern just to mark it off the list, then it would sit and gather dust. Never to be worn again. It’s sad really.
Well last year I chose 9 fabrics to sew with and guess what. I got through 8 of them and now have some of my favorite garments yet. I wear all 8 of my makes all the time. I mean it still wasn’t 100% successful, but I did way better than any year previous. For some reason I find fabric easier to commit too. Here they are, in all their hand made glory! The 9 I completed and the one I didn’t.
Fabric is so near and dear to me. Some sewists scrimp and save to buy the perfect fabric in the right amount of yardage. Some don’t have to. A lot of us hold on to our fabrics for just the right project. Sometimes we save it for years! We have certain fabrics just for making mock-ups in so we don’t ruin our precious fabrics. Take this Rhapsody blouse for example. I’ve has this fabric since 1996. I finally used it in April of 2020 to sew this beloved blouse. I wasn’t going to use it on just anything. It had to be something I loved. I also had to trust myself enough to use it and breathe life into my beloved fabric. It took me 24 years to trust myself enough!
I started thinking about my goals this year and what I wanted to accomplish. Then I thought about how much I LOVE to refashion. That’s the ultimate trust right there. I mean, you only have one shot when you refashion something. Even refashioning my dinning table set was crazy. What if I messed it up? I knew the results would be well worth my effort. You just have to be more intentional and trusting. What if I did just that with my #sewnine ? What if I #refashionnine ? What if I breathed life back into once loved garments? Nine of them. Would I trust myself enough to do that? There’s so much waste out there and we all know thrift stores are full of wonderfully worn clothes waiting to start life all over again. What if I did just that? Here’s a look at just a few items I refashioned in 2020.
And here’s a look at a few items I plan on refashioning in 2021. I just refashioned the bottom left one today in 45 min.
If you want to join me in my refashion nine challenge, here’s what I propose. Either look through your closet, your kid’s, your spouses, your roommate’s, your Grandparents, anyone who will let you. Or go to thrift stores, mom and pop thrift stores, yard sales, estate sales, places where all those hidden treasures are. Go to all those places and find your nine. It doesn’t have to be just clothes either. Anything can be refashioned to suit another purpose. It can be all the things: house wares, toys, blankets, shoes, bikes, rugs, literally ALL the things. Find your inspiration. Find those things that still have lots of life left to live. Read books, magazines, blogs, get to know people and start a whole new refashion revolution. You’ll be not only amazed at yourself, but you’ll be amazed at what you’ll find. Those creative juices will start flowing.
Trust yourself. Don’t wait 24 years like I did. Let’s Refashion Nine in 2021. I hope you’ll join me.
Have fun Creating!
#refashionnine2021 #refashion9 #pickyournine