Skirt to Crop Top Refashion!
I found this skirt in July of 2022. I loved the fabric and thought it would make a cute top. The problem was it was a little too short to make the blouse I had originally planned on making. Then I remembered I had a dress pattern that included a banded cropped top so I dug it out and got started.
The Pattern…
The pattern I used for this refashion is the Lenox by Love Notions Patterns. If you want to see the dress I made with this pattern you can click here. You can use code KOESEW at checkout to receive a discount on this pattern or any of Love Notion’s patterns.
Making Adjustments…
First I wanted to make sure that the skirt was going to be big enough. To get a rough idea of how well it would all fit, I removed the waistband from the skirt and then placed the pattern pieces on top of it.
You can see that I did need to adjust things a little by folding up the bottom of the pattern pieces 1 ½ inch. I had previously lengthened the pattern 4 inches for another project so shortening it 1 ½ inch for this project would be fine.
Cute and Effortless Details…
Something that worked in my favor for this project was the skirt’s waistband. It was already the right length and width that I needed for the shirt. Also, it had two cute gathered details on the front side of the waistband that would almost match with the front seams of the shirt. I really liked that.
I also really liked the decorative, serged edge of the skirt so I used that for the edge of the sleeve. That way, I didn’t need to hem it. It’s nice when I can utilize things like that to make a project a little more simple.
Working through the hard parts…
Now I do have to admit, I got a little distracted while making this shirt and ended up needing to add a few extra seams due to errors while cutting it all out. I think they are hardly noticeable.
Ok that’s an understatement. I was completely and utterly distracted. Mid project I received a call that my mom had been in a terrible accident and suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury. She was being “life flighted” to a hospital in Scottsdale. I quickly left to meet the helicopter. I spent the next 4 days at her bedside hoping and praying that she would wake up. She never did.
My mom loved to sew and create and definitely wouldn’t have wanted to see me leave this darling project unfinished because of her passing. While I am even still processing the events of October 2023, I have a firm belief that she has never left my side. I have experienced some of the sweetest and some of the most heart wrenching moments since October 16th. So rather than sit in my grief, I sought out the thing that I felt would bring me close to my sweet mom. Sewing.
Sewing IS Thereapy!
Sewing is such a comfort for me and has brought such peace. When I was much younger it used to stress me out, but when I started looking at my projects as more of a puzzle to be solved or a new adventure to learn from it changed the way I approach them. It also helped me to seek out sewing as a way to communicate with my Creator who has blessed me with various skills and talents. People say it all the time, but sewing is therapy. Especially now after losing my mom. She enjoyed seeing what I made so much!
I have the best idea planned for this coming year too! So stay tuned. While going through my mom’s sewing room I have found a few of her unfinished projects. One is a pattern she took from a pair of my sister’s jeans. I want to finish those projects for her. It’s my way of honoring her memory. A few of my nieces have picked out dresses from my mom’s closet that they want me to remake to fit them too! So I will definitely be busy and my mom I’m sure will be watching and guiding me along the way.
My new shirt goes so perfectly with these upcycled jeans. P.S. These are the ONLY jeans I wear! They are so stinking good.
How has sewing helped you in your life? I’d love to hear about it. Let me know in the comments.
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