Pagosa Pants by Straight Stitch Designs
I’m not usually a Pants wearer. I prefer skirts and dresses here in the Arizona desert. However, when I saw the Pagosa Pants on Sew News’ Instagram page I knew I had to try them. They look like the perfect Summer Pants with the cute pockets and feminine fabric tie belt. Another awesome thing is, its a FREE pattern by Kimberly Payne of Straight Stitch Design!
Fabric recommendations for this pattern are: light to mid-weight woven fabrics such as linen, chambray, tencel twill, and rayon challis just to name a few. I chose a light colored denim blue slubbed linen.
I quickly went to the Sew News website to register for the sew along and get my FREE pattern. I don’t know about you, but when I hear about a free pattern I snag it ASAP. Around the same time I found the Pagosa pattern, Joann Fabrics happened to have all their linen on sale! So I snagged a few yards of several linens too. That way I would have plenty of options to sew my pants.
This is a very beginner friendly pattern with two pages of simple instructions. There are two views: tapered and wide legged. I chose tapered in a size 12. My measurements were exactly what the pattern says so I didn’t need to make any adjustments. The seam allowance is 5/8″ so I knew there was more than enough wiggle room for adjustments if needed.
The instructions are very easy to follow and straight forward. It does tell you to sew the pocket and other top stitching 1/8″ away from the edge so I would suggest you have a presser foot with your machine that has the 1/8″ line one it. It makes it so much easier to stay at the 1/8′ line.
Things I love about this Pattern. First of all, the belt! Its so cute and feminine you almost forget you’re wearing elastic waist pants. Second, they’re cropped. Just the thought of wearing full length pants here in the Summer is enough to almost give me heat stroke. But cropped pants are my jam. Especially when they are made of linen. Third, these babies have pockets! Not “just for looks” pockets. These are deep, usable pockets. I feel so exposed without pockets so I try to never go without them. The things I have without pockets really don’t get worn very much. So I don’t waste my precious sewing time on things that I can’t add pockets to.
Things I didn’t like. NOTHING! Literally. This was such a quick, satisfying make. I couldn’t be happier! It turned out exactly as I hoped. I can definitely see myself making a few more of these this summer. Especially since my summer lasts well into October.